Tuesday 27 January 2015

Best and Worst Decisions WWE Made in the 2015 Royal Rumble Match 


Early on, the WWE Royal Rumble 2015 match teemed with potential, but after poor decision-making cut out the contest's heart, it was left to bleed on the mat, suffering.
It felt like Dr. Jekyll was in charge of booking one-half of the Rumble and Mr. Hyde wrote the second half. WWE was smart to tease future feuds and build up a monster in line for a major clash at WrestleMania. Then came the out-of-touch choices.
Despite how loudly fans had made it known whom they wanted to win, WWE stubbornly plowed ahead in a different direction. Beyond choosing Roman Reigns over Daniel Bryan, the storytelling on Sunday's pay-per-view made the climax a whimpering sound one couldn't hear over all the boos.
Flawed as it was, the match had several things that worked. WWE Creative treated a pair of heels very well, to begin with.
If WWE was intent on having Reigns win, it should have kept Bryan in until at least the last four men standing. He was the only other realistic favorite. Having him fall early on robbed the match of suspense from that point on.

The Surprise Entrants
  • Best: Diamond Dallas Page, Bubba Ray Dudley, Boogeyman
  • Worst: No Randy Orton, no NXT
WWE brought in three fun names into the mix.
Page provided the nostalgia. Offering him a chance to hit a few Diamond Cutters made the match more entertaining, giving it one of its most memorable moments.
The Boogeyman served as a way to both highlight how strange Wyatt is and to insert some humor.
Seeing those two weirdos try to outdo each other gave the Rumble some good energy early on. This match was the perfect spot for a guy like Boogeyman, as he's not going to deliver any classics in the ring, but his character made an impact.
And man was it great to have Dudley back in WWE.


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