Tuesday 27 January 2015

WWE Fast Lane 2015: Full Card Predictions After Royal Rumble 


WWE Fast Lane 2015 follows another Royal Rumble where the fans booed the winning babyface.
That's not exactly the kind of momentum the company had to be hoping for as it pushes Roman Reigns toward the WrestleMania main event. Still, the show must go on. Rivalries have to be wrapped up; stars have to be built up for what WWE has in mind for them at WrestleMania.
Rusev and John Cena crossed paths after the Rumble, a sign of things to come for both men. Before that monster-versus-hero showdown, Rusev has a powerhouse to topple, and Cena has other business at hand.
What lies in store for fans on the first-ever Fast Lane? What went down at the Rumble, what storylines are still in progress what WWE has to accomplish before WrestleMania are the keys to figuring that out.

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