Sunday 1 February 2015

WWE SmackDown Results: Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane, Bray Wyatt, Cena - Rusev, The Ascension 

Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens up with Byron Saxton, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler on commentary. They announce Roman Reigns vs. Big Show tonight. Also, the Casket Match between Kane and Daniel Bryan.

- We go to the ring and Eden introduces Triple H. Out he comes by himself to a mixed reaction.
Triple H jokingly welcomes us to Monday Night RAW but corrects himself. He talks about the snow storm and how WWE was forced to postpone RAW. Fans boo and Triple H agrees with them. He says WWE doesn't like to be told what to do. Triple H brags on the WWE Network's 1 million subscribers, which gets mostly cheers from the crowd. Triple H has two words for the subscribers... thank you. Triple H welcomes Hartford to Thursday SmackDown and gets a big pop. Triple H says it's been a controversial week coming out of the Royal Rumble. He brings up the "Deflategate" and the NFL Super Bowl. Triple H says apparently Roger Goodell and the NFL have a problem with their balls. Triple H jokes about balls. Triple H says one thing about WWE, they have never had a problem with their balls. Triple H says unlike Goodell, when he has a problem he handles it. He says he's going to deal with a current problem at WWE Fast Lane - Sting. Sting's name gets a big pop.
Triple H promises he will go face to face with his problem at Fast Lane and resolve it. Triple H says there is other controversy coming out of the Rumble. Fans boo. Triple H says the match with Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins was one of the best matches he's ever seen. He says Rollins proved he's the future of the industry. Fans boo John Cena's name. Triple H says Cena proved to the world he's the past. Triple H says Lesnar proved he's The Beast and is still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Triple H says that match wasn't the problem, the problem was the Rumble match itself. He says the building was rumbling and he'd never felt anything like it in his life. He says fans were going crazy, going nuts, it was electric. He said the next day, it got worst and everyone was talking about it, it was all over the news. Triple H says if you don't know what he's talking about... we see a video of how Roman Reigns eliminated Big Show and Kane at the same time, The Rock returned to help and then Reigns won by eliminating Rusev. We come back to some boos. Triple H says he's going to put an end to the controversy this Monday at RAW. He will make an announcement that will likely shake the WWE Universe to its core. Roman Reigns' music hits and out he comes through the crowd to a mixed reaction but it sounds like mostly cheers.
Reigns comes face to face with Triple H. The boos start when Reigns starts talking. He says he sees no controversy because he won the match and is going to WrestleMania. Triple H says yes, you won that match but let's see if you win this one... out comes Big Show as we go to commercial.
Roman Reigns vs. Big Show
Back from the break and the match is underway. Reigns dodges and moves. Show takes him to the corner but misses a splash. Reigns comes back with clotheslines in the corner. Reigns goes for a suplex but Show counters with one of his own. Show scoop slams Reigns and takes him back to the corners. Show keeps control and tosses Reigns across the ring. Reigns counters a move and takes Show's knee out. Reigns mounts Show with right hands in the corner and there is a big mixed reaction. Reigns works on the leg and Show pushes him off. Show takes back control but Reigns clotheslines him over the top rope as we go to commercial.

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